"About Us « Craftsmen » of a modern Africa Afrikrea is born from the meeting the quest and the dream of : - A creator’s son also IT engineer who wanted to offer a platform to appreciate the masterpieces and the hard work of his family. - An African crafts and art passionate also auditor frustrated to have to wait to go to Africa to acquire the said creations. We are the encounter of a quality offer and a growing demand the children of a contemporary Africa proud of its heritage that is going to build its market and give it the place it deserves and reap its fair benefits. We are Africa that wants so much strength emulation and success for its unity that each of its members will represent an Africa that only offers the best. Afrikrea will be the merchant creative and open to the world Africa.This Africa will grow fairly richer from each trade around the world all while contributing to the pleasures and thriving of each and every one. And that is what we want to offer to the world through a platform where a community will create exchange and sell so well that visitors will buy talk about it and overall prove that Africa is source of excellence. But actually... You are Afrikrea! Yes you read right: you are Afrikrea. Not convinced? So if we remind you that Afrikrea is first : - Your visits your votes your shares... - Your crafts your shops your creations... - Your favorites your purchases your feedbacks... - Your exchanges your sales your innovations... - And especially your recommandations advices acquaintances friends parents... You are actors directors producers and spectators of this vision of Africa.You are the content the life and the spirit of Afrikea we only are the guardians of this African ideal. In short you are Afrikrea and this is our adventure to empower the wealth of African creation all over the world. This is why we are building with you the best way to buy sell and share African creation in all its shapes. "

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